Thursday, February 21, 2008

Resting in the Arms of God

Resting in the Arms of God

I have been in several islands in the past few days and will travel to one more tomorrow. As I was looking over the many pictures I have taken, I was struck by the many elbows that the bays and inlets of these islands create. One site I saw was that of the leper colony, a place of beauty, completely isolated from civilization, in the midst of paradise. So many hurting people over many generations suffered and died there. Many never saw their families again after they went to the leper colony. And yet they were wrapped in the arms of God, tucked in the elbow and under the wings of the God that loved them and cared for them in the worst of their loss and isolation.

I pray that no matter how isolated or alone you might feel, you might remember that God is shielding you, holding you as a protecting parent would a treasured child. May we all rest in the loving arms of a loving God who reminds us that we are never alone, never abandoned, never without tender mercies. In that I can take my rest.

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